Learn More about Louis A. Fuentes

Age: 49
Married for 25 years
3 Children
2 Dogs
Plays the Tenor Saxophone
Plays Acoustic Guitar
Avid Landscaper
Car Enthusiast
Building Things
Custom Cars
First President & CEO of the Imperial Valley Economic Development Corporation. Louis was called upon to represent the California Economic Development perspective and rural communities at State Congressional Hearings testifying to the State Assembly's Committee on Jobs, Economic Development and the Economy. He has received statewide media coverage in the LA Times, San Diego Union, CSPAN, Univision and numerous Southern California Business Journals as well as national media coverage in Mexico.
In 2005, he was given special recognition by Mexico’s Secretary of the Economy for his contribution to Economic Development and Job Creation along the border.
Louis was elected to sit on the Calexico City Council in 2006, serving as the cities 100th Mayor 2008-2009. A former member of the International Economic Development Council (IEDC), California Association for Local Economic Development (CALED), Former California Technology Trade & Commerce-Team California Marketing Co-Chair, Imperial Irrigation District Energy Consumer Advisory Committee, County of Imperial-Airport Exploratory Committee and Local Transportation Agency (LTA) administrative board. He also served as Chairman of the Imperial Valley Association of Governments (IVAG) and Chairman of the US-Mexico Border Counties Coalition.
Under the invitation from the Office of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Co-hosted President Barack Obama's White House Health Care Forum, sharing the California perspective along with Gov. Schwarzenegger to White House Director of Domestic Policy Melody Barnes.
One of only 4 U.S. Mayors asked to give the perspective of cities along the U.S. Mexico Border by the Border Trade Alliance in Washington D.C. to Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Nepolitano and key Congressional leaders in 2009.
Appointed by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2009 to the Imperial County Board of Supervisors District 1 seat. Elected Chairman of the Board of Supervisors in February of 2010 - January 2011. Elected President of the US-Mexico Border Counties Coalition in Nov 2010.
In 2016-2017, Louis served as Chairman of the California Energy Commission’s Task Force to identify a more streamlined approach to Online Permitting and Contractor’s State License Board regulations regarding permitting. Identifying that only 5% of state wide contractors are actually pulling permits in compliance with State Law. His white paper served as recommendations to the CEC and CSLB for future outreach to thousands of Contractors and municipalities.
Asked to speak to the President Barack Obama's White House Council on Environmental Quality part of a White House roundtable as it relates to Department of Energy (DOE) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandates
2019 asked to speak to the National Association of Energy Officials (NASEO) in Manhattan Beach, CA regarding energy saving policies that can be implemented to reach climate goals and save energy consumption and how it ties to economic growth and job creation.
Louis was born in the California border region of Calexico-Mexicali. He has lived in Chula Vista, Ca since 2014. He has been married for 25 years and has three children that drive his motivation to improve the quality of life in the region in which he lives.
Growing up as the son of a first generation US Citizen that raised his family as a migrant farm worker. A mother that made sure we did well in school and also contributed to the community after classes by doing things for others. Growing up learning the value of hard work and sacrifice to set the stage for a better future.
Louis Fuentes is President of Air Conditioning Guys, Inc, an international air conditioning company and a leader in the air conditioning industry in the Southern California and Baja California Region. Elected to the Board of Directors of the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) 2016. He served 3 terms from 2016-2022.
Louis Fuentes, a proven leader in economic development and job creation, has dedicated his career to fostering growth along the California-Mexico border.
He has spoken to leaders of the National Association of Energy Officials on Workforce Development Strategies for access, inclusion and growth.


He has a degree in Development Studies with a concentration in Economics from the University of California Berkeley.
A graduate of the University of Oklahoma's Economic Development Institute.
A California Licensed HVAC Contractor.
Black Belt in Aikido Karate, Judo and Jujitsu (BOJUKA RYU)

VOTE APRIL 8th, 2025
Experience over 25 Years:
Economic Development Leadership
First President & CEO of the Imperial Valley Economic Development Corporation.
Represented California's Economic Development perspective and rural communities at State Congressional Hearings.
Testified before the California State Assembly's Committee on Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy.
Received statewide media coverage in the LA Times, San Diego Union, CSPAN, Univision, and multiple Southern California business journals.
Gained national media coverage in Mexico.
Recognized in 2005 by Mexico’s Secretary of the Economy for contributions to Economic Development and Job Creation along the border.
Co-founder of the "Tri-Valley Alliance"- Coachella-Imperial-Mexicali Valley Region to enhance Regional Competitiveness precursor to the Mega Region (San Diego-Imperial-Tijuana-Mexicali Region)
Political and Governmental Roles
Calexico City Council: Elected in 2006, served as the city's 100th Mayor (2008-2009).
Former member of:
International Economic Development Council (IEDC)
California Association for Local Economic Development (CALED)
California Technology Trade & Commerce - Team California Marketing Co-Chair
Imperial Irrigation District Energy Consumer Advisory Committee
County of Imperial Airport Exploratory Committee
Local Transportation Agency (LTA) administrative board
Served as Chairman of:
Imperial Valley Association of Governments (IVAG)
US-Mexico Border Counties Coalition
Local Agency Formation
Southern California Associated of Governments (Co-Chair)
State & National Engagement
President Barack Obama's White House Health Care Forum: Co-hosted with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger at the invitation of the Governor’s Office, sharing California's perspective with White House Director of Domestic Policy Melody Barnes.
Border Trade Alliance: One of only four U.S. mayors invited to provide the perspective of cities along the U.S.-Mexico border to Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and key Congressional leaders.
Imperial County Board of Supervisors:
Appointed by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2009 to represent District 1.
Elected Chairman of the Board of Supervisors (Feb 2010 - Jan 2011).
US-Mexico Border Counties Coalition: Elected President in November 2010.
Elected to the Air Conditioning Contractors of America Board of Directors (ACCA) for 3 terms (2016-2022)
Energy & Environmental Policy Leadership
California Energy Commission Task Force (2016-2017):
Chaired the task force to streamline online permitting and review Contractor’s State License Board regulations.
White paper recommendations influenced outreach efforts to thousands of contractors and municipalities.
White House Council on Environmental Quality:
Led a roundtable discussion regarding Department of Energy (DOE) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandates to advise President Barack Obama's Energy Initiatives.
National Association of Energy Officials (NASEO):
Guest speaker on energy-saving policies, economic growth, and job creation.
Elected to represent the West Coast States to the Air Conditioning Contractors of America Board of Directors for 3 two year terms (ACCA)